Tuesday 26 November 2013


1. Cost Effectively Marketing 
     With an e-business, all of your marketing efforts end with one goal to drive target traffic to your business website. With one central place to send customer, your e-business website allows you to use many online marketing tactics including email marketing, article marketing, social media networking and e-newslatter. Most ot these online marketing efforts are very low cost or free, so an e-business allows for highly cost effective marketing strategies.

2. Flexible Business Hour
     E-business breaks down the time barriers that location based businesses encounter, according to eCommerce Education. Because the Internet is available 24 hours a day. seven days a wek, your business never closes. An e-business can literally be making money while you are fast asleep.

3. Reduces Transaction Cost
    Running an online business the per transaction because it takes less manpower to complete an online transaction. Once you get your website up and running, the customer places the order online, which removes the need for a sales person. The customer payment goes through your online payment processing software or system again eliminating the need for a store clerk. Someone has to download order and ship it, which is probably you, butan e-business transaction has less burden of cost on the business, making each transaction more cost effective.

4. Low Overhead Costs
     Running an e-business cut back or out most of the cost involved in running a physical location. E-business have less expensive phone, rent and utility bills than businesses with physical location. An e-business also reduces the cost of paying employees because you do not need someone to your website during business hours. Some e-businesses do not require any additional space and can be run out of your home, which you are already paying rent for or your mortgage payment. Even housing inventory may not be an issue because you may be able to establish a drop shipping situation, where your wholesaler ships orders for you on behalf of your business. 

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