Tuesday 26 November 2013

Internet for Entertaiment

There are many benefits in using the Internet for great entertaiment. As the Internet has evolved over the years, there have been more websites to brows, improved communication, live chatting, and sharing memories. The Internet can be used for many reasons but the benefit of entertaiment is one of top reasons the Internet is so popular. This is because entertaiment can make happy and release tension.

1. Online Games 
    On the Internet nowadays, there are a variety of games to choose from and the majority of them are free to play. The different types of games include fighting, adventure, sport, and strategy. Online games are beneficial entertaiment since you do not have to drive somewhere and pay a ton money on video games to play on your game console. In addition, many of these online games are just as fun compared to the games you have to buy.

2. Live Chatting
    Chatting on the internet has been one of the popular activities to do. When chatting online, you do not have to worry about going over minutes like using a cell phone. You can communicate with the other person as long as you want. There is no need to worry paying a phone bill.

3. Sharing Memories
    Picture, life experiences, and recent activity can all be labeled and posted online. This activity is one of the most popular things to do online. For instance, Facebook is a website where you set up your profile, add pictures of yourself and your friends, share experiences, and interact with friends and others. This type of activity is great beneficial entertaiment since you do not have to pay for uploading pictures or purchase an expensive photo book.

4. Shopping
     Shopping online is fun and beneficial since you can find items that are not available in stores. You can browse through many shopping websites that include eBay, Amazon, Shopzilla, Zappos, and much more. In addition, chain stores like Wal-Mart and Target it set up where you can order an item online should you not feel like driving to the nearest store. Another benefit in shopping online is that you can shop and quickly find the specific item you want. Compared to spending the time at the stores and calling stores for the item this can save you a lot of effort.
5. Music and Movies
    The entertaiment of music and movies have always been important in people's lives. Music can now be bought online as well as previewing the music before buying. You can even buy certain tracks off an album if you do not want to purchase the whole album. As for movies, you can rent or buy them at a low price online and watch them straight from your computer or in some cases, transfer the movie to your television. In shopping for music or movies online, you are likely to find the specific album or movie you are looking for compared to the hit and miss shopping for the item in stores.


1. Cost Effectively Marketing 
     With an e-business, all of your marketing efforts end with one goal to drive target traffic to your business website. With one central place to send customer, your e-business website allows you to use many online marketing tactics including email marketing, article marketing, social media networking and e-newslatter. Most ot these online marketing efforts are very low cost or free, so an e-business allows for highly cost effective marketing strategies.

2. Flexible Business Hour
     E-business breaks down the time barriers that location based businesses encounter, according to eCommerce Education. Because the Internet is available 24 hours a day. seven days a wek, your business never closes. An e-business can literally be making money while you are fast asleep.

3. Reduces Transaction Cost
    Running an online business the per transaction because it takes less manpower to complete an online transaction. Once you get your website up and running, the customer places the order online, which removes the need for a sales person. The customer payment goes through your online payment processing software or system again eliminating the need for a store clerk. Someone has to download order and ship it, which is probably you, butan e-business transaction has less burden of cost on the business, making each transaction more cost effective.

4. Low Overhead Costs
     Running an e-business cut back or out most of the cost involved in running a physical location. E-business have less expensive phone, rent and utility bills than businesses with physical location. An e-business also reduces the cost of paying employees because you do not need someone to your website during business hours. Some e-businesses do not require any additional space and can be run out of your home, which you are already paying rent for or your mortgage payment. Even housing inventory may not be an issue because you may be able to establish a drop shipping situation, where your wholesaler ships orders for you on behalf of your business. 

Benefits of Using Online Bill Pay

Since most of us are indebted to one creditor or another, we know that it can sometimes be difficult to manage debt effectively and keep our financial matters in order. With all the paper time staying organized and exercising good debt managment skills. It is so easy to get bogged down with endless bills and mound pf paper, and not managing your debt properly can lead to other money problems down the line-missing a payment here or a bill there does not cast a favorable impression on creditors. As credit counseling services advise, the firts rule of thumb for maintaining a successful financial situation is to get organized. Using online bill pay can help you pay down debt, manage your money, save money and reduce stress.

Benefits of Using Online Bill Pay 

1. Easy
     You can save time by using the online bill pay feature. Rather than writing out checks, licking stamps, and filing piles of papers, you can set up an online account that will eliminate all of those steps. Managment of your debt will become so much easier and faster.
       If you ever need to review past bills, you won't have to spend time searching for them since all of your account information is in one centralized location.

2. Convenient
      Want a more convenient debt managment solution? Create an aotomatic online bill pay account that will allow you to set up recurring payments to be withdrawn from your account an a regular basis. You can reduce the chance of late or lost payments, and save time in the process.
     If you find that one of you bills is due the next day, online bil pay is the best way to ensure that your payment will be posted on-time.

Distance Learning

Benefits of High Speed Internet to Distance Learning

1. Self-paced, online learning frees people with irregular or flexible work schedule from rigid classroom based course schedule.

2. Advanced two way communications enable student and workers to not only watch lectures and training programs from home but to ask instructors questions and engage their classmates and colleagues via video conferencing. 

3.  Training specialists from faraway areas can reach workers more easily, saving everyone time and money by eliminating costly travel.

4. Broadband enabled social networks enhance online learning by creating a community of learners that can share educational and training resources or work together on group projects.

5. Many different types of communities have shown great success already with online learning. Low income workers seeking advanced job skills, rural students unable to reach city libraries, and incarcerated individuals training for future employment all benefit from distance learning.

Media Social

Social media has not known just a platform for easy and simple advanced online marketing but it has become a revolution of our century. Many people are using different social networking sites and some have tried to capture its importance but they do not know about its advantages and disadvantages. The following are list of positive effects of social media to users that need to consider.


1. Bringing people together 
     We all know that social media facilitates open communication and enhancing information discovery and delivery. Everyone can find new people, meet their friends and communicate to their love ones all over the world. When promoting campaigns and ideas, it allows people from the different geographical location to express and share their views and meet in a single point as well as promoting global products.

2. Breadth of knowledge
     People can experience the broadness of knowledge and connectedness through social media use. It is easier for them to know or find out different information or something about almost anything in the world through a connected media. For students, who are also engaged to this activities, it can give them the benefit of being exposed to technology and can be connected to a broader base of opinions and world views through global connections. Social media provides tools for helping students to work together to create their own meaning in work environments, social contexts and especially academic subjects.

3. Technological literacy
      One cannot be engaged in deep and meaningful uses of technology without developing some sorts of simple skills. All social media relies on advanced information and communication technologies that work to build and support technological literacy for people. This can help learners to connect in an economy and become a valuable contributor.

4. Opportunity to widen business
      It could always be a fun and creative method of doing your business because it not just allows employees to discuss and share ideas, ask questions, post news and share links but it minimize the use of advertising to businesses and also improves business reputation. It also creates a more competent and reliable business.

5. Attracts attention
     Aside from building loyalty and long-term relations to your audience, social media can attract attention to your site, product or services.  

Monday 25 November 2013

Online News

We all know that newspapers companies are the first to keep us updated with the news every day. But as time goes by there are technologies that were invented as another source of news information that is the internet. But if you notice that even if the internet has already been invented, there are still newspaper companies that still go on with their business. One reason is that, there are advantages and disadvantages with online news vs. newspapers. 

Let’s first talk about newspapers since they were the first who provided up with news updates. The advantages of subscribing from newspapers companies or buying newspapers is first, you can file it and you can touch it and can read it anywhere you go. Newspapers can be delivered even on the remote areas where internet can’t reach. Second is convenience since you can carry it anywhere you want to read them, in your room, garden, patio while drinking your morning coffee, or in the comfort of your bed. Third, it’s you can recycle newspapers, you can use it to wrap something, cover something, burning materials, or you can make a bag out of it. Lastly, you don’t need to use and pay electricity just to get an updated news. The disadvantages are; you need to pay for your subscription. Then it could cause clattering in your home.

On the other hand is the online news. The advantages of online news are its accessible 24/7. You can read online news any time of the day. The second thing is it’s free. You can freely read online news unlike newspapers that you need to pay or spend money to buy them. Then you don’t need to worry with the clattering in your home since you don’t have anything to pile like newspapers. The disadvantage of reading online news is it’s more expensive since you will be suing electricity just to read updated news. Then second is the internet connection, you also need to pay for that. Without internet connection you will have any access to any networking sites.

Now you know the difference of online news vs. newspapers. But either ways it’s still a reliable source for news information. it’s up to you which of these you think is more convenient for you as long as you get the news that you want to know, as long as your money is worth the service that you want.


e-Learning is has boomed over recent years to become a very popular method of learning. In the CPID's 2013 Learning nad Talent Development Study, 74% of companies reported using some level of e-learning with 91% of companies reporting it to be very useful when combined with other methods and nearly 3/4 of respondents saying it is essential for learning. Clearly it cannot be ignored.

1. More Flexible
    e-Learning can be done in short chunks of time that can fit around your daily schedule. Unlike public schedule and in-house training, you don't have to dedicate your company. Instead, you will have a set amount of learning, normally divided into modules, want to do all of the learning in one day as you work better this way, you can. However if your schedule doesn't allow you an entire day off your everyday task- then you can easily spend an hour or 2 here and there at times that suit you.

2. Mobile 

    As e-Learning can be done on laptops, tablets and phones. It is a very mobile method. Learning can be done on the train, on a plane or any other time that could normally be wasted. Whilst you used to be confined to the classroom, the whole world can now be your classroom.

3. Lower Cost
     As you aren't using a trainer's time or any room or equipment, e-Learning tends to be the much cheaper option. If you already have a device capable of carrying out the training on, then the savings can be considerable. Therefore if you and your company are on a budget, this can be the ideal option for you. Equally for conpanies that have thousands of employees then it can reduce the cost per head especially on areas such as Money Laundering, Compliance and Microsoft Office training.

4. Global
     With very few restrictions companies can be confident that their staff can receive the same content regardless of their location, and in many cases, their nationality. Therefore if you staff understand and use comman methodology, e-Learning is a useful way of ensuring this happens with ease and reduced cost.

5. Tailor it ti you 
     e-Learning courses aren't confined to be fixed to try and suit the needs of the majority. If you feel you already know a particular area well and don't need to spend an hour on it again, then you can skim over it and concentrate that time on something you feel you need to work more at. Everyone is able to learn at their own pace. A massive factor that only e-Learning can provide for.